My life has so many ups and downs, I decided to start writing it down more often. So here we go.
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Big Brother Fever
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Trip to Dallas....
It's been a week since I was up there, and honestly this past week has been well a whirl of sleeping on the couch and trying not to get everyone else sick! Seriously, does everyone that ride the greyhound, not understand the importance of flu shots, or teaching their kids to cover while coughing? But I digress, want to talk about my couple of days with my lil sis.
What can I say, I love my bff, lil sis, the person that probably should have been my twin sister. I just am so happy when I get to spend time with her. It's not only the talking about the good ole days, but just spending time talking and laughing. We just "get" each other! I get into Denton, Tx at 6:30, Brandy didn't get to get off work till I texted her to come get me. So I got to hang out at the TA in Denton for about 30 minutes. It was cool, I took some random pictures, watched the sherriff department raid the bus I was on and take off 2 large cardboard boxes. But no one got arrested sigh lol.
Ok enough about the TA lol. Of course second I get in the car, we start laughing and giggling. We then drive back to her work place so we can SHOP. Wooo hoo. Even though it's wally world, we always have fun shopping together.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Going to Dallas!
On friday nana, papa, and boog are heading to Austin. And nana already has plans for stopping at the disney store on the way back. He's not spoiled!
I am doing pretty well in school. I am a tad behind on my english, but I can catch up. Math is going great, I have been dubbed the smartest kid in the class. I think it's more I have more common sense than others lol. Networking, we are plugging along. We had our server up and running with our workstation, but then after the weekend we came back to nope it ain't running. I really like this class, but sometimes it's hard working with 6 other people when we are all frustrated. I did do some really great arts and crafts during class. One chica and I made a crown and a necklace out of cat 5 cable. Get ready to see them on ebay someday baby! We also made little person, that we call mini Marvin (Marvin is a guy in our class lol). I swear, we laugh so hard. It's kinda nice to let loose, even though the guys in our class wanna throw something at us sometimes.
I really should be asleep right now! I watched the strangers tonight and it FREAKED me out. I don't scare easily with horror movies at all, but this one damn it got me! It was a great movie, probably why it scared me so much.
Ok I am out, enough ramblings for tonight. Much love to all, and pray that I don't meet the author of all the Jackson 5 songs or the person that wrote Whitney Houston's "I will always love you" on the bus tomorrow hehehehehe Just had to add a boog pic. AWWWWWWW
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
English Essay
Basic Training is Hard
The smell of anticipation and fear was thick. I doubt I will ever smell this aroma again, I thought to myself. It was a mixture of forty sweaty passengers, brand new uniforms, and I think someone ate a little too much at breakfast (there was some serious pungent gas in the air). The silence was deafening, the passengers were too afraid to even stir. They all had the same look on their face of what the heck am I getting myself into! The ten-minute bus ride felt like an eternity, but it came to a quick and abrupt halt.
“Get off my bus!” yelled the scariest man in the entire world. “Why you still sitting there, I don’t care about the person in front of you! Get Off!” the drill sergeant kept yelling. Forty people scrambled to get up and maneuver around the already crowded bus. Add in the duffel bags and civilian bags made it almost impossible. But the drill sergeant was persistent. He really wanted us off that bus!
The ordeal on the bus was only the beginning. It seemed to be a maze of nonsense to the forty passengers on the bus, three other buses of passengers was added into the mix too. There was a lot of “You go to that line private, drop your bag there”. “No Private, you are in the wrong line. Get over there!” It was incredibly loud, a vast difference from the quiet on the bus. There was a lot of whimpering and hard breathing. I think I was even crying a little, on the inside of course. I couldn't allow the drill sergeant to see my fear and weakness.
I knew I had to keep pushing myself. I could not slow down. There were already two females that decided to slow down and the drill sergeants used them as examples to everyone else. The running up and down the hill to get into different lines was taking its toll on me and everyone else. Now that I think back, I wonder why the architect or planner decided to put a basic training barracks right on top of a hill. Of course, to inflict as much pain and torture on new recruits as possible! I wanted to slow down; I wanted to take a break. I kept telling myself, there has to be an end. The drill sergeants can't run us to death, or can they? But again I didn’t want to be one of those early quitters. I just knew they would be end up being a target for the rest of our stay. I also didn’t want the other recruits thinking I was weak. Most of all I didn’t want to think I was weak.
The chaos finally came to an end. The drill sergeants has us in our assigned platoons and marched us up to our bays, the place we would call home for the next eight weeks. All the recruits, myself included, thought Phew! Time for a few minutes to rest, catch our breath and possibly use the restroom. The drill sergeants had another idea. Two drill sergeants dumped out baskets of canteens. “Come get one canteen and fill it up with water, now!” the drill ordered. This was an ominous sign, a sign that we were all in for a world of hurt.
For the next two hours, the drills taught us the fine art of “front, back, go”. This is a special form of punishment that the United States Army must have a patent out on. It consists of push-ups, flutter kicks, and running. We did get breaks during the two hours though, if not that would have been cruel and unusual punishment right? The breaks consisted of emptying out the aforementioned canteens, and filling them back up. I did not think it was possible for a human being to drink that much water in a single day. I was proven wrong, yet again.
After two hours of probably the hardest workout I had ever endured, we were given a chance to go eat. Eating in the army is certainly an experience. No talking, just shoveling. If you have time to talk, you aren’t hungry, and if you take more than five seconds to chew, then you are definitely finished. After our introduction to mess hall etiquette, we were then given a lesson on bed making. No there was no quarter bouncing, but almost. I think I can speak for most of the soldiers and say that we were all looking forward to a good night’s sleep. It had been one of the longest afternoons in all of our lives. We were then surprised with another lesson. This lesson consisted of teaching us of how to stand on a red line that was marked all the way around the bay. Easy you say, right? Of course not! The drill would yell, “get on line” and this meant for everyone to stop what they were doing and stand at attention on the red line. I swear some of the others were a bit slow, or more tired than I was. They just could not get the concept. We got to practice this for the next two hours. Yes, a simple task of standing on a red line took us two hours to master. Every time, we didn’t get it right, we reverted back to our previous lesson of front, back, go.
We were finally given the luxury of a shower and time to rest. We learned showering in basic training, isn’t too luxurious. Forty females in an open shower, struggling to use 10 shower heads. Then you get a square of brown terry cloth that is supposed to resemble a towel to dry off. Men have it easy in basic training! At all times females are supposed to wear sports bras, have you ever tried putting on a tight sports bra while still dripping wet from a shower? The buddy system truly worked out in that instance!
We were rewarded with sleep, sweet incredible sleep. I think we only had our heads on the pillow for maybe twenty minutes before we were awoken by loud; crashing trash cans roll down the bay. It was more than twenty minutes of course, but it didn’t feel like a full 6 hours at all. Not only did we have the trash cans rolling around, we had the drills yelling “Get up sleeping beauties, get up!” We were able to show off the skills that we had learned the night before of getting on the line. But some people must have forgotten in their sleep, because we had to be reminded several more times.
We were assembled, and marched outside. We were in for our very first group run. Now that I look back, it was a very slow and short run. It certainly did not feel like that when it was happening. Several people fell out of the formation, and could not keep up with the group. I kept thinking, “No, I must keep up!” Not only was the running hard, but also there were so many smells that just made my stomach roll. There was a combination of sweat, morning breath, chow hall breakfast being prepared and last but not least gas. I really think we should have been issued some beano when we were given our uniforms! I persevered and made it through that very first run. I didn’t fall back, and I didn’t fall out. I just kept pushing myself.
The next two months, the tasks kept getting harder, the runs getting longer, and the food well it actually got better. Of course it got better, we got used to it! I kept pushing myself harder and harder. Each day, I did something I never thought I could have the day before.
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Haven't posted lately
Life lately, school started back up...YAY! I am taking english, math, and networking troubleshooting. And if I pass these classes, I will graduate in may! I already have my paperwork in for graduation, good thing too since yesterday was the deadline.
Andy hasn't been sleeping well lately. I don't know what was up. But he would wake up from 2am-5am. Then wake back up at 8am, and be crabby all day. But crossing fingers he has slept the last two nights. I hadn't really let him nap last two days, we just kinda chill out in his room. So hopefully we are back on a normal schedule. I certainly hope so, cause OY he was getting on my last nerve.
No for me. I have made a huge change in my life. I have finally been motivated to change my life and eating style. I am tired of being fat. Emotionally I can't handle it anymore! I have been "dieting" for 3 weeks and it looks like I have lost about 11 lbs. It's just a great feeling. I have been adding in some workouts and man I feel good after those. So here's to dropping some more weight!