Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Andrew Dream

It is 1:14 am and my boy is 5 years old.  So we are past the late night feedings wakings etc right?  I guess not.  For some reason our puppy is in play mode.  Perry (the puppy) decided to wake up Andrew too.  Andrew is all flipping out, yelling at Perry etc.  I get them calmed down in my bed of course.  Andrew tells me about his bad dream.  There is a bad Andrew and a bad Kaleb (one of his best buddies) and the bad Kaleb hit the bad Andrew over the head with a big flashlight and it really hurt.  This was all happening on another side of earth.  After Andrew tells me the dream, he says ok now I am going to close my eyes and go to sleep and dream a good dream with no bad Kalebs or bad flashlights.

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